![]() Reprinted from VOICE Magazine |
What a thrill it was in October of 1995 to realize our dream and goal of becoming Supreme Versatility Champion. I sent Sunny Boy's record in for tabulation and was thinking we still lacked a few points here and there which we hoped to gain in the remaining shows before the deadline. The phone rang on October 11, 1995, and Sis Osbourne asked, " Are you sitting down? You and Sunny Boy are the Supreme Versatility Champions." Sunny Boy had excelled in trail, barrels, poles, western riding, English, model, e-z rider, water glass, endurance and in promotion of the Tennessee Walking Horse. It was truly a dream come true. I cried with joy, I kissed Harlan, and went to the barn to kiss Sunny Boy and tell him he didn't ever have to go to another horse show if he didn't want to. He said, "That's okay. I want to; it's in our blood." He's right.. we love it. Along with my thanks and appreciation to all the above mentioned, much appreciation goes to the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' and Exhibitors' Association for giving us the opportunity, to our many friends and teachers who helped us along the way (you know who you are), and especially to our favorite groom (husband Harlan) who always got us there on time to participate and a big hug to Wayne and Cathy Hackney. The TWHBEA Versatility Program offers a great opportunity to show what our great breed can do. I encourage you to enter your best friend/horse in this program and share the pleasure, joy and excitement it brings. A dream did come true....... once upon a time. Please contact us for more information. knightspals@comcast.net
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